在本次教程中,我们将介绍免费的3D程序Blender,并讨论建模、纹理、灯光、渲染、后处理等内容。我们的目标是使Dylan Dog漫画封面变得逼真,并分享最终的Blender文件和37个石结构照片扫描的3D模型。Blender, creating realistic horror scene + 37 stone assets
Dylan Dog是一名调查超自然事件的私家侦探,他的故事深受漫画爱好者的喜爱。在本教程中,我们将向您展示如何在Blender中创建逼真的人脸,以及如何制作黑衣女士和城堡等细节。
课程时长:2小时8分钟 1280X720 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(AE世界 机译)含课程文件
What you’ll learn
I will introduce you to the free 3d program Blender
I will introduce you to modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, post-processing and more
We will make the Dylan Dog comic cover realistic
I will share with you the final blender file and 37 photoscanned 3d models of stone structures
In this step-by-step tutorial we will try to make Dylan Dog cover realistic using the free program blender. We’ll talk about modeling, texturing, lighting, unwrapping, composition, post-processing and more.
Dylan Dog is a former Scotland Yard policeman and works as a private detective who investigates paranormal events. A long time ago, when I was collecting comic books, I especially remember this cover.
I’ll show you my way of creating a realistic human face in blender, which is otherwise a very difficult task. We will also create the lady in black and of course the castle and all the details you see on this render.
The tutorial is step-by-step and suitable for blender beginners, the final blender file and all resources are included. The first part of the tutorial lasting 12 minutes is free, after that you can decide if you want to buy the tutorial.
I will also share with you the Stone City asset pack. The asset pack consists of photoscans, mainly of old stone walls, grounds houses, churches, and similar buildings, about 40 assets ready for asset browser.
The asset pack consists of 37 photo-scanned models, mostly stone objects.
– Objects are mostly low-poly
– Texture is 2k, jpg image about 3mb per object
– Real-world scale
– Asset browser ready (marked as assets, + thumbnails)
– Color, bump, and roughness maps
In the last few years, I often needed photo scans of stone walls, houses, churches, and similar buildings, and I collected a lot of assets. Now I collected all the assets in one place, I photo-scanned several new ones and created this asset pack.
Stone City is an assets pack that contains 37 assets, mainly stone walls, houses, churches, floors, but also smaller objects that fit into the surroundings.
All assets are fairly low-poly and contain a 2k texture, which is not too large to slow down the scene, but large enough to contain a lot of information. Assets are not for scenes where the camera is too close to objects, but after a few meters, they look good. All assets have real-world scale dimensions and are aligned with the axes in a blender, so they are easy to use.
Who this course is for:
For blender beginners as well as more advanced users
2、资源默认为百度网盘链接,请用浏览器打开输入提取码不要有多余空格,如无法获取 请联系微信 yunqiaonet 补发。
3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!